Airports International

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Covering the industry since 1968

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Latest from Airports International

Explore the latest news and features by our world-class aviation journalists. 

Travelex expands UK airport services

Travelex has expanded its ATM click & collect service across Heathrow, Birmingham and Manchester airports following a successful pilot

Zwanenburgbaan reopens following maintenance

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol’s Zwanenburgbaan Runway is available again for air traffic

IATA welcomes telcos’ 5G mitigations agreement

IATA has welcomed the agreement by US telecoms providers to extend the voluntary mitigation measures for 5G C-band transmissions

Frequentis modernises Liverpool VCS

Frequentis is to provide Air Traffic Control Services Ltd (ATCSL) with two voice communication systems (VCS) for Liverpool John Lennon Airport

PIT raises the roof on new terminal

A traditional topping out ceremony has taken place at Pittsburgh International Airport’s new terminal, with some of those involved signing a steel beam

CPK's integrated transport hub

The new Polish hub has been designed to enable travellers to move swiftly, safely and easily between different modes of transport

PV glass canopy installed at Newark

Onyx Solar has installed a photovoltaic glass canopy in the departures area of Newark Airport's new Terminal A in New Jersey

Avinor opts for Frequentis X10 VCS

Frequentis is to provide its multi-redundant X10 VCS for the control centres at Avinor-operated Royken, Stavanger and, optionally, Bodo airports

Dogs undertake lithium battery searches

Qatar Airways Cargo and its ground handler Hactl have begun using technical detection dogs to sniff out hidden lithium batteries in air cargo

Winnipeg reveals new mission

Winnipeg Airports Authority (WAA) has unveiled a new vision and mission along with refreshed values and strategic priorities

