Airports International

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Latest from Airports International

Explore the latest news and features by our world-class aviation journalists. 

Airport fencing Feature Premium

Perimeter security: Why certification counts

Peter Jackson of Jacksons Fencing looks at how certification can play a role in making airports more secure and more resilient

Luis Felipe de Oliveira Feature Premium

Luis Felipe de Oliveira: Time to reflect

Luis Felipe de Oliveira– director general of ACI World – steps down this month. He looks back on his four years at the helm

Robin Schneider, Green Cubes Feature Premium

Last Call: Robin Schneider, Green Cubes Technology

Robin Schneider of Indiana-based Green Cubes Technology, which manufactures Li-on batteries

Alstef Group Unveils XSORT

France's Alstef Group has launched XSORT, the first cross-belt sorter to have been designed specifically for baggage handling

SFO Wins Environmental Achievement Award

San Francisco International Airport (SFO) has won the Airports Council International - North America (NCA) Environmental Achievement Award for 2024

Green Cubes unveils new Li-ion battery

Green Cubes Technology has unveiled a new lithium-ion (Li-ion) designed specifically for ground support equipment (GSE)

Alstom to upgrade Las Vegas APM

Smart mobility specialist Alstom will deliver new Innovia automated people mover (APM) vehicles to Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas

Brisbane opts for Amadeus tech

Australia’s third busiest airport is deploying Amadeus self-service technology at bag drop and check-in, as part of its ‘Future BNE’ transformation 

Maastricht further boosts new board

Peter Penseel has been appointed to the new supervisory board of Maastricht Aachen Airport (MST) in the Netherlands

SITA unveils cybersecurity tool

SITA Managed Network Access Control is designed to safeguard mission-critical infrastructure at airports and for airlines


C-UAS demo day heads to Bicester

Airport Drone Protection (ADP) has chosen Bicester Aerodrome as the official site for the annual Counter Drone (C-UAS) Live Demonstration Day

CPK to redefine sustainable aviation

In the heart of Poland, a pioneering project is taking shape that could redefine airport sustainability - the Centralny Port Komunikacyjny (CPK)

Conference: Hub airports and their regions

Organised by CPK in cooperation with the Airport Regions Council, the conference will examine how we can plan regions around airports


LVNL accelerates and optimises tower digitalisation with automated testing

Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland (LVNL) has ensured that air traffic flows safely through the region for more than 90 years and continues to lead the way.

Safe Air Travel in a Post-Vaccine Era

Considerations for Travel-Related COVID-19 Testing

Download Guidance for Air Travel

Thermo Fisher Scientific is the global leader in COVID-19 testing and is involved in more than 50% of global COVID-19 testing.  We help our customers navigate the testing options and the resources needed by airlines, labs, government agencies and digital health passport vendors.