Airports International

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Latest from Airports International

Explore the latest news and features by our world-class aviation journalists. 

Riga seeks investment in cargo complex development

We have made extensive investment in infrastructure Laila Odiņa Riga...

Revamp plans for Dublin

A revamp will make Dublin Airport’s T1 more energy efficient daaTerminal...

Uber launches ExpressMatch at Kolkata Airport

Uber ExpressMatch will help Kolkata passengers to social distance UberFollowing...

The fight for FLIGHT

AUSTRALIAN AIRPORTSChris Frame speaks with James Goodwin, the...

An end to the Brandenburg wait

BRANDENBURGAfter almost a decade of delays and disasters, Berlin...

Vinci unveils Dominican freight terminal

FedEx will occupy the new cargo terminal at Las Américas FedExFrance’s...


ROME COPING WITH COVIDOne of the world’s premiere destinations...

Food waste trials now underway at Santiago

The CoFood app will help tackle airport food waste. Vinci AirportsChile’s...

TSA introduces new screening equipment at TF Green International Airport

CT scanners at TF Green Airport will keep both passengers and...

Fighting back

THE NEW NORMALAirports across the world have been dealt a sledgehammer...



The Smart Path to Airport Safety and Security

The airports of today are vastly different than they were just a generation ago – and their technological evolution will continue to accelerate.

Prioritising safety in unmanned aircraft system traffic management

Drones are proliferating throughout the world’s airspace, making them impossible to ignore. As their numbers rise, the importance of finding a way for them to safely coexist with manned aircraft is growing increasingly urgent.