
Found 96 results.

Vancouver International Airport electrification

Tackling winter head-on

Vancouver is one of the warmest cities in Canada. Airports International asked its international airport how it copes with winter weather, given its unpredictability on the country’s west coast

Sergio Colella, SITA

Industry opinion: Sergio Colella, SITA

Sergio Colella, president of SITA Europe, shares his thoughts on today’s airports sector, from digitalisation to collaboration

Siemens Logistics Baggage 360

BHS update: from strategies to technology

Baggage handling systems are using advanced technology to solve industry challenges and boost efficiency and security. Chris Anderson reports

Biometric boarding

How biometrics are driving airport recovery

Biometrics have a key role to play in getting airports back to business post-pandemic, explains Justin Walker, VP for digital transformation, Thales

ADB Safegate Intelligent AiPRON

Apron management: why airports need digital ops

ADB SAFEGATE’s Ilya Burkin tells Tara Craig why airport digitalisation is paramount and how his company intends to deliver it

A step change in de-icing

JBT AeroTech has been manufacturing de-icing equipment since the 1960s, but its new Tempest-i de-icer represents a step change

D4fly project

The D4FLY research project

Funded by the European Union, the D4FLY research project explored new technologies that will improve the border control process, explains Armin Reuter of Veridos

Ferrovial vertiport by sea

Vertiport infrastructure: Ferrovial leads the way

Ferrovial Vertiports aims to turn aviation on its head. Chief executive officer Kevin Cox tells Tara Craig how and why

CPK airport and station

Multimodal transport: at the heart of the matter

Tom Batchelor delves into the world of multimodal airports and their benefits, from economic to environmental


Airport buses: sustainable trail blazers

The landscape of sustainable aviation continues to evolve at pace, with airport ground transportation emerging as a focal point for innovation

VeriGO MobileTravel Assist_DTC

Digital passports: verification made easy

Nick Larter of Veridos considers how digital passports have the potential to improve the travel experience

Entry Screen Cognitec

Biometrics: the face-based airport journey

Cognitec marketing manager Elke Oberg reflects on how facial recognition technology can make the airport journey both smoother and safer

Schiphol 3D CT scanners

Advances in airport security screening

Mark Broadbent reports on Canada’s new verification scheme and examines recent developments in passenger scanning tech

Helsinki Airport sign

Airport profile: Helsinki hub future-proofs

Tom Batchelor visits Helsinki Airport to see the results of an ambitious redevelopment, ten years in the making

Airport evacuation: keeping travellers safe

In case of emergency, airports have plans in place for large-scale evacuation of passengers. How do they keep travellers safe and reassured?