
Found 259 results.

Biometrics: how to keep passenger data safe

How can travellers be sure that their data is in safe hands as biometrics become an increasingly standard feature at airports? 

Airport terminal

How to build resilience in an airport

Kata Cserep and James Healey of PA Consulting outline the three key steps operators should take to improve resilience at airports


Vertiports and sustainability

From noise pollution to construction materials, are vertiports really as green as developers claim? Tom Batchelor investigates

Solar cells Vestergaard Company

Vestergaard's eco airside innovation

Lars Barsøe of Vestergaard Company reflects on the measures aviation is taking to meet its ambitious climate targets

CVG terminal (exterior)

CVG's Brian Cobb on airport innovation

CVG’s Brian Cobb tells Tara Craig why innovation is crucial and how it has placed his airport at the centre of a much bigger ecosystem

Vertiports 1, 2024

The full issue in page-turning format, FREE to read online.

Last Call

Yannick Beunardeau is VP Airport IT, EMEA at Amadeus, one of the top ten travel technology companies in the world. Here, he shares his thoughts on today’s airports sector

AI in baggage handling and the wider aviation sector has witnessed a surge in popularity in recent years

Intelligent moves

Tom Batchelor takes an in-depth look at the role of AI in airport baggage handling, from tag-free travel to downtime-avoiding algorithms

Tommy Leung


The latest personnel changes from across the global airport industry...

Head of the queue

Passengers have long loathed airport waiting lines. But, in the age of COVID, cutting queues is no longer just a matter of keeping travellers happy, finds Paul Willis

Virtual views

With the lockdown and social distancing rules in place, BWI Thurgood...

Perfecting Paradise

With travel brought to a halt during the current crisis, the...

Stobart readies Southend for post-COVID era

London Southend Airport (SEN) owner, the Stobart Group, has announced...


TECHNOLOGY BIOMETRICS Three tech companies took part in a facial...

Cagliari opens Sardinia’s first fast EV charger

Sardinia’s first public electric vehicle fast charging system...