E-taxi developer WheelTug and Evionica, an aviation software and training provider, have signed a partnership agreement to develop pilot training for the WheelTug system.

The training will be computer-based, and is not expected to exceed 60 minutes, although for interested airlines, WheelTug will also offer fixed-base training.

“We are pleased to meet yet another milestone in our preparation for entry into service. With the WheelTug system technological design completed and production version ready, this is the right time for Evionica to prepare a training course for our operators – primarily pilots, but also trained technicians for aircraft repositioning” said WheelTug CEO Isaiah Cox.


The system

Installed on aircraft as a retrofit, the WheelTug system enables pilots to taxi and manoeuvre aircraft with main engines off by using electric motors inside the nose wheels. This eliminates jet blast in busy areas and greatly simplifies both pushback and arrival procedures at gates and stands.

The system is complemented by WheelTug Vision, the camera and sensor system installed on the aircraft that offers pilots better situational awareness than is currently available, the manufacturer said.

WheelTug will increase aircraft utilisation by reducing turnaround time – the system enables pushback in as little as one minute. In addition to bringing greater reliability to airline and airport schedules, WheelTug also offers a compelling environmental case. By reducing fuel consumption, the system will reduce CO2 emissions by as much as 1,000kg/day.

Having signed letters of intent with more than 25 airlines worldwide flying thousands of aircraft, WheelTug expects that 20,000 operators will train on the WheelTug system in the next three to four years.

Image: WheelTug