Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) has welcomed the Hong Kong Government’s labour importation scheme in support of the aviation industry.

The government has announced the introduction of sector-specific labour importation schemes which allow import of frontline workers for the aviation industry, on the premise that local workers’ priority for employment is safeguarded.

The ten job types under the scheme for the aviation industry include passenger services agent, customer services agent, aircraft tug driver, tractor driver, cabin worker, ramp services agent, warehouse operator/cargo handler, aircraft maintenance mechanic/technician, equipment/loader operator and maintenance technician.

AAHK will work with the government and the aviation industry to facilitate employers’ applications under the scheme, and coordinate the cross-border transport arrangement for the import labour as needed.

The airport authority and a y employers participating in the scheme will provide funds to subsidise the travelling cost of relevant local airport frontline staff. AAHK will discuss implementation details with the government.

AAHK will continue to work with the airport community to strengthen the recruitment and training of local staff. It will also continue to extend the deployment of automation technology in airport operations in order to reduce the reliance on manpower and enhance operational efficiency.  

Airport Authority Hong Kong has also welcomed the government’s labour importation scheme for the construction sector, which is expected to alleviate the shortage of construction workers and help the progress of major airport projects.

Image: Airport Authority Hong Kong