New Oshkosh AeroTech president appointed

Purpose-built vehicles and equipment manufacturer Oshkosh Corporation has named the successor to Chuck Durst

Clune builds LOT’s first US lounge

Clune Construction has completed LOT Polish Airlines’ first American business lounge, at Chicago O’Hare International Airport’s Terminal 5

UkSATSE: operating on a war footing

Air Traffic Management asked Andrii Yarmak, director of UkSATSE, about the challenges facing his organisation since the Russian invasion

Rohde & Schwarz upgrades KLIA ATC

The Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia has contracted Rohde & Schwarz to replace the radio infrastructure at KLIA with an IP-based system

Skyportz welcomes air taxi roadmap

Australian vertiport developer Skyportz has welcomed CASA’s release of the regulatory roadmap  update for Advanced Air Mobility

Airport winter ops staff: reporting for action!

How do you keep your winter operations staff ready to spring into action if you only need them on a seasonal basis? Tara Craig reports

AMS baggage basement moves a step closer

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol will work with construction consortium Fundament, which con-sists of Dura Vermeer and Mobilis 

SITA and CLJ sign Letter of Intent

SITA and Cluj Avram Iancu International Airport have entered into a strategic collaboration through a Letter of Intent (LOI)

Menzies passes 300 airport mark

Menzies Aviation has passed a major milestone in its global expansion, and is now serving 300 airports worldwide

SAT breaks ground on new build

San Antonio International Airport (SAT), one of the fastest-growing medium-sized airports in the US, has broken ground on a new terminal