The airports will be operated by Avinor from its remote tower centre (RTC) in Bodø, Norway, the largest of its kind. New airports been added to operations at the tower on a gradual basis since its 2022
The centre currently manages 11 regional airports, which will increase to 15 by March 2025 with the completion of the first phase of Avinor’s remote tower programme. An additional seven new airports will then be added. The contract also includes an installation at the new Bodø Airport that is under construction.
Avinor’s RTC has 16 working positions, so the project extension involves the implementation of multiple remote tower operations, meaning that each operator will be able to control up to three airports from the same working position. Operators use Indra’s InNOVA air traffic control system, which provides a single, fully integrated display with all required air traffic and airport control functions, including air traffic situation display, electronic flight strips and meteorological information. A supervisor will oversee the planning and allocate airports to the different working positions, ensuring seamless and efficient operations.
Multiple remote tower operations were developed and validated by Avinor and Indra in 2019 as part of EU’s PJ05 SESAR Remote Tower project. Avinor will be one of the first air navigation service providers in the world to go operational with the concept.