Airports International

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Latest from Airports International

Explore the latest news and features by our world-class aviation journalists. 

Fighting back

THE NEW NORMALAirports across the world have been dealt a sledgehammer...

An Arabian angle

SATCOCould the current downturn in the aviation industry lead...

Lufthansa launches COVID-19 antigen rapid tests for passengers

Pre-flight COVID-19 tests launched in Germany Lufthansa GroupOn...

WINTER is coming

WINTER PREPARATIONThe vagaries of winter weather can play havoc...

A secure FUTURE

LEIDOS MARIA HEDDENAirports International talks to Maria Hedden...

Riga seeks investment in cargo complex development

We have made extensive investment in infrastructure Laila Odiņa Riga...

Revamp plans for Dublin

A revamp will make Dublin Airport’s T1 more energy efficient daaTerminal...

Uber launches ExpressMatch at Kolkata Airport

Uber ExpressMatch will help Kolkata passengers to social distance UberFollowing...

The fight for FLIGHT

AUSTRALIAN AIRPORTSChris Frame speaks with James Goodwin, the...

Our survey reveals industry views on post-pandemic airport recovery

Airports International conducted an online survey on behalf of Hitachi Vantara in July 2020, in order to understand the industry’s view on recovery from the pandemic and the use of technology to provide an enhanced ...

